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If you are considering separation or divorce then already, you are stressed and disappointed.  Now you face the torment, distraction and cost of a divorce.  It is one of the most demanding and difficult points in your life.  The option is open for both you and your spouse to directly hire a senior family lawyer…
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Can I get/Will I pay spousal support?

Answer: Unlike Child Support, Spousal Support is not automatic. There are instances when a Court might not order spousal support be paid, such as: – If the marriage is very short – If both spouses earn close to the same amount of money, or have a similar lack of money – If the spouse with…
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If I divorce, will I lose half of everything I own?

Answer: Maybe, and maybe not. If you owned things or investments before marriage, or during the you received inheritances, or gifts from anyone except your spouse, or if you received money for a personal injury, then you might be able to protect all or some of the value of those things or investments. If you…
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My mom died, what should I do?

From the desk of Tim O’Hara: You are experiencing an incredibly emotional period in time, but if the responsibility falls to you, you want to maintain control of your mother’s estate and if you accept that responsibility you have to do all the practical matters necessary.  Because it is such an emotional time, there is…
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When do I need a Lawyer?

The following is from a brochure written by a very junior lawyer, Louise P. Campbell in 1986. But it remains as valid today as it was then: Buying and Selling your Home If you are selling, a lawyer can ensure that you receive all your expected proceeds, and that your obligations relating to the property are ended.…
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How do I protect my children financially during the divorce or separation process?

From the desk of Louise P. Campbell Q.C.: Immediately upon separation, talk with your lawyer and get some secure financial situation in place. Hopefully by agreement you will be able to continue to use the joint account to ensure that there is enough money to cover household expenses. If you cannot come to an agreement, a court application…
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How do I protect my children through my divorce?

From the desk of Louise P. Campbell Q.C.: This questions has multiple answers. Emotionally this is a really difficult thing to do. There are some things you cannot protect them from. But, again counselling is a really good idea. If you are in an abusive situation, there is special counselling and shelters available for children who have been…
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How do I calm my spouse during the divorce or separation process?

From the desk of Louise P. Campbell Q.C.: The response to this question is similar to the response above. Actions speak louder than words, so you set an example to your kids, to other people around you, essentially you are saying, “This is how I choose to respond” and you won’t get drawn into all…
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How do I lessen the risk of confrontation during the divorce or separation process?

From the desk of Louise P. Campbell Q.C.: When you are in a position where you have to have direct contact with the other person, I suggest that you get the book “Rebuilding”, by Fisher. It tells you not to get drawn into the mud slinging. Stick to the topic. One author calls it “BIFF”. Give brief,…
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How can I control my own emotions during the divorce or separation process?

From the desk of Louise P. Campbell Q.C.: Get counselling from a psychologist, a social worker or a counsellor. Your lawyer is not your counsellor and my recommendation is to have a look at the book called “Rebuilding” by Fisher, which lays out the stages that you will go through, not necessarily in any order, but they include…
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